The dangers of high cortisol: Discover the hidden perils of elevated cortisol levels and safeguard your health

MenMatters high stress
Stress is a global Pandemic

Stress is commonplace in our society today. WHO (The World Health Organization) deems stress as a global pandemic. Stress is the very fabric of our fast-paced daily lives. Not all stress is bad; eustress is a positive form of stress that ultimately enhances our performance.

However, daily responsibilities, deadlines, expectations, toxic work environments, unrealistic demands, and tasks that pull at you in many ways are just the tip of the iceberg of the daily stress we´ve become accustomed to.

Our body´s built-in stress response system (fight or flight) is incredible. During the fight-or-flight response, your body produces the stress hormone cortisol. This automatic system usually kicks in when there is a perceived danger. Once that danger dissipates, the heightened state of emergency is shut off, and the body resumes business as usual.

However, some people are stuck in survival mode, and their bodies do not receive the signal to switch back to normal, pumping their bodies with higher levels. The problem is that cortisol was not meant to be in your bloodstream 24/7. An overproduction of cortisol can lead to inflammation, oxidative stress, and a long list of undesired health scenarios.

Cushing Syndrome is a condition that occurs when there are dangerously high levels of cortisol in the body. Some of the symptoms include weight gain, usually in the stomach area, thin arms and legs, a round face with fat around the neck, and a fatty hump between the shoulders.

Dangers of high cortisol
Some symptoms of Cushing Syndrome

Cortisol overload: Unveiling the threats to your health

The danger of high cortisol production in your body is real. There are many disadvantages of high cortisol including;

  • excess fat in the stomach,
  • increase risk of gastrointestinal issues,
  • hormone imbalances,
  • disrupts metabolic function,
  • may suppress and weaken your immune system (higher risk of infections/illnesses)
  • may decrease muscle mass (muscle wasting, strength reduction)
  • bone density loss (link between high cortisol levels and bone density loss, osteoporosis)
  • may impair cognitive function and memory
  • increase sleep irregularities (link between high cortisol levels and poor sleep)
  • erectile dysfunction,
  • reduced libido,
  • and may increase the risk of depression and anxiety.

Anti-inflammatory foods
Berries contain anti-inflammatory properties.

These anti-inflammatory foods can help protect your cells from damage, improve your sleep, and have excellent anti-aging properties. If you have questions or concerns, a consultation with your primary physician may put your mind at ease as you explore the best course of action.

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